Tebul Omenka
Furniture design and build project for the California Polytechnic State University, College of Architecture and Environmental Design's annual Vellum competition.
Made from reclaimed wood from Deadwood Revival (San Luis Obispo), pipes found in a dumpster and drawer hardware and materials gotten from Goodwill Warehouse.
Made from reclaimed wood from Deadwood Revival (San Luis Obispo), pipes found in a dumpster and drawer hardware and materials gotten from Goodwill Warehouse.
Designed to have a removable beer flight, for taste testing in my Third Year-Brewery/Theatre Project. Made with Douglas Fir and square tubing.
Designed as custom light to be feature in Third Year-Brewery/Theatre live-in caretaker quarters. Made with wood scraps, acrylic off-cuts and steel rods gotten from dumpsters.